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Coconut Oil - Sri Lanka

Organic coconut oil is the main ingredient in our world-renowned soaps and lends them their rich and cleansing lather. We also source food-grade organic coconut  for our line of premium White and Whole Kernel Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO).

In addition to our SerendiKenya project in Kenya, our organic coconut oil comes from our sustainable Serendipol project in Sri Lanka, where we also source our food-grader coconut oil. Built, owned and operated by Dr. Bronner’s and local partners, it has become the world’s foremost source of certified Fair Trade and organic VCO.

With over 750 organic farmers and 275 staff members in our factory in Kuliyapitiya, we have a major impact on local community development. We pay fair prices to our farmers and support them with organic inputs and organic agriculture training, which improves soil quality, yields and profitability. The workers in our oil mill enjoy working conditions and compensation uncommon in this industry – and in an area that has few reliable jobs to offer to its growing rural population.

The Fair Trade premium paid by Dr. Bronner’s and other customers for the oil is used for a range of community development projects, such as setting up a composting operation to support farmers with organic fertilizer at cost, supporting several regional clinics with critical equipment, renovating schools and supporting vocational training, connecting remote villages to the power grid and renovating bridges. These Fair Trade projects are selected by a committee with broad-based representation. They are great opportunities for targeted community development projects for which there are otherwise no funds available. Serendipol has proven that producing VCO can be sustainable and fair, while supporting rural development in a significant way.

Watch “Coconut Rock,” a video about our Fair Trade Coconut Oil project in Sri Lanka.