The printing color on the diapers is free from heavy metals and not injurious to health
Naty nappies have 0% oil-based plastic on your baby’s skin, are 100% chlorine-free, not bleached, and contain zero perfume. You don’t have to drive yourself crazy worrying about nappy rash or scary reactions, as only plant-based materials ever touch your baby’s skin. The core of a Naty nappy is made from 100% FSC certified wood pulp, which is not only totally natural, but really good at sucking up liquid. The other layers are made of natural materials. And Naty nappies look pretty cool too with their Swedish nature-inspired illustrations
Other nappies can use massive amounts of oil-based plastics. Naty have spent years perfecting their nappies by eliminating as much non-biodegradable materials as possible while maintaining performance and comfort. Their nappies are completely unbleached, contain no latex, fragrance, or TBT (tributyltin), and are hypo-allergenic.
There are no phthalates, organotins (MBT, DBT, TBT), heavy metals, TCF (Total Chlorine Free), HCHO (formaldehyde), colophonium, AZO-pigments, PVC, and substances known as harmful to health or the environment.
As with any nappy, for maximum performance, when your baby reaches the upper limits of the weight class, we recommend that you switch to the next, larger size.
Naty are proud of their products and they are the only nappy brand that declares its ECO ingredients