Herbatint Normalizng Shampoo 1x260ml
HealthyBuzz offers Herbatint Normalizng Shampoo 1x260ml:
Herbatint Normalizing Shampoo is rich in aloe vera extracts and strengthens the hair and preserves the color intensity of treated hair. Its unique formula gently cleans, moisturizes and restores the hair's natural pH balance while gently soothing the scalp. Hair color stays richer and lasts longer. Herbatint's Normalizing Shampoo is specially formulated for hair stressed by regular coloring treatments or simply dry and weakened.
This natural, herbal-based shampoo brings out the highlights of hair and helps stabilize the color of color-treated hair. Normalizing Shampoo should be used to clean hair before applying a temporary Vegetal Color. Use Normalizing Shampoo after applying permanent Herbatint Color. Though formulated for color-treated hair, Herbatint's Normalizing Shampoo can be used regularly to keep all hair clean and healthy looking.